Recently, Lynne Wilson, DIG Programme Manager, attended the Connected Britain conference in London.
She learnt how industry is helping to create a truly connected Britain. By understanding how the infrastructure gaps are being filled and what providers are doing to help tackle the Digital Divide it will help us create the Connected Berkshire we are looking for.
We sat down with Lynne so that she could share her thoughts and takings from the conference
How was the conference for you?
It was another great year at the conference.
What are the 3 key things you took away from the conference?
That we all need to continue to work together more collaboratively.
That we need to innovate and do things smarter.
That there are many opportunities to develop the way we serve our residents in the future.
What is the best thing about meeting people face to face?
There is something innate I think about community and working together, being face to face helps grow relationships and allows us to see and communicate better.
What do you see as the biggest challenge in getting ‘everyone’ connected?
Removing barriers in processes, not doing things the way we usually do, developing that change of mind set and instilling into everyone the benefits of new ways of doing things.
You were on your first panel this year, talking about the benefits of Local Authorities working together, how was it?
Exciting to have the opportunity to share about the collaboration that the 6 Berkshire authorities and the Thames Valley LEP are doing under DIG and learning from those who have gone before us. We have come such a long way in the last few years but it’s really just the beginning.
Did you have any difficult questions?
I don’t remember haha. I think I answered them all.
What are three things you do to prepare for an event like this?
Ensure I know the agenda, talk to the other LA’s on the panel and understand their key messages and scribble some bullet points to keep me on track!
And a fun question to finish with…
If you had to write a book tomorrow, what would you write about?
From a work perspective it would be something along the lines of ‘understanding one another’s goals’ across the different departments. I used to work as a Release Manager many years ago in systems development. Often the user would say ‘I want a triangle, a circle is then built and in reality, a rectangle was needed. Lack of understanding what people are trying to achieve, making assumptions and not taking the time to listen had ended up in much wasted time. We need to step into each other’s shoes more.
Thanks Lynne.
Some great insight there into how providers are all pulling in the same direction, with great conviction but with a huge focus on helping residents and businesses get, and remain, connected.
Below are a few pictures from the event in London.

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